Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I know, this is crazy

Brick Wall: This blog

I should have done this a long time ago. I've been thinking about it for months, but fear has gotten the better of me. Fear that my company will find out what I'm doing. Fear that I'm a poor writer. Fear that no one will care to read this. It's time I break down this wall.

I must be crazy. I work for a wonderful company and make decent money for my age. I live in a place where it's 70 degrees year-round. I'm surrounded by family members and friends. My boss has told me that there are incredible opportunities for me within the company, and I'm currently going through a unique training program to gain even more skills. But I am planning on leaving all of this to pursue a longtime goal...I want to live and work in Chicago.

After visiting family members in Chicago since I was a child, I developed a great passion for the culture and diversity offered in the city. I still have relatives there, and I visit them often. With every trip, I have felt more and more like I'm at home. I finally realized that this is the time in my life to make this change. This is the time to follow through with all of the "I wish..." thoughts that have gone through my head. And on top of this, I am also looking to change my career path. Yes, I know. I'm crazy.

Brick Wall #2: The job

In today's economic times, who would even think about leaving a good job? Who would think about moving across the country without a secured position in place? Is this the "smart" thing to do? I was incredibly inspired by Randy Pausch's lecture, and after months of prayer and reflection, I knew this was the right decision for me. Ever since I said the words out loud ("I want to move to Chicago"), I have never doubted myself. Never.

I've been in an active job search since November, and I have a lot of information/advice to share. That is why I created this blog. Perhaps the lessons I've learned will benefit others in their job search. I plan on sharing my "lessons learned", experiences, highs and lows...I'll reveal it all. The most important lesson I hope to share though is that anyone can break through the brick walls. Thank you Randy Pausch.

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