Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Making the Most Important Investment, in Myself

Brick Wall: Finances

"As a young professional, the best thing you can do for you career is to make an investment in yourself." - Dean Akers, CEO, Ideal Image

In today's economy, everyone's finances are stretched. Individuals, businesses and organizations are finding themselves having to make sacrifices, and it's no fun for anyone. As I review the budget I have set for myself over the next few months, I am recognizing my own sacrifices, and the words of Dean Akers keep ringing in my ears.

The largest part of my strategy in this job search is networking networking networking. This doesn't always come cheap. As soon as I arrive in Chicago, I plan on making it my "full-time job" to find a job. Starting with breakfast meetings at 7:30 a.m., all the way to a cocktail or dinner function into the evening, I plan on networking with as many groups/associations/organizations that I can. I've even identified some groups that I should probably would look good on my resume, plus I would also receive additional membership benefits.

The cost of memberships and attending many of these events has led me to revise my original budget. I can still make it work, and although the situation may be tighter than I expected, I am hoping that the rewards will be great. I believe in Dean's advice. If I make this investment in myself, I feel confident that I will be moving in the right direction toward seeing my "payoff" in my career in Chicago.

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